I attended Fresh Fest last night at the CASO station here in St. Thomas where I had an information booth set up for the market. There were more than 300 people in attendance and I saw many of you there. We also added new members to our e-letter mailing list. If you are aware of anyone who is interested in joining this group, please pass along a copy of this letter and have them visit the blog for details of the 2009 Market season. This is one of the major resources that ties our market community together.
The market seems to have taken on a life of its own. The energy is positive, the tables are overflowing, and the community spirit is palpable. People look forward to coming to the market, rain or shine. There's withdrawal symptoms for everyone when one of our regular customers can't make it for a week or two. We wonder if they are okay; if they are away on holidays; if something came up that interupted the regular routine? Sometimes, I miss seeing or chatting with a few people due to some mission that I am on during market hours. They reassure me the next day that they saw me but that I was busy - Thank you for that!
As we do have new members joining this group weekly, following is a brief summary of the market vendors by location. (note: some vendors do move each week as some booths are pre-allocated to season vendors who start at different times during the market season)
Indoor Vendors include:
Oegema's Turkey Shoppe
Frisa Farms Eggs
Coffee Cultures
Aunt Cin's Baked Goods
Susi Q Jewelry
Devrati Jewelry
St. Thomas Public Library (first Saturday of Every Month)
Doors Open & Architectural Conservancy of Ontario (Elgin Branch)
South Pavilion Includes:
McSmith's Organics
Janis Smiths Flowers
Beaverbrook Culinary Herbs
Palmers Maple Syrup
Paul's Woodworking
DeBackere Farms
Janssens Farms
Erie Gardens / Kids Kraft Korner
Green Leaf Pastry / Green Fusion Arts
Ethel Mitrovic Potery
Boonie Doone Beachglass Artistry
Village Pantry Restaurant
Lindsay Farms Mushrooms
En Fleur Lavender in Bloom
North Pavilion Includes:
Kosciks Greenhouses
Ann Grace Designs
Gibson's Honey
John Martin Produce
Empire Valley Farm
RGrow Farms
The Bonsai Guy
Birdman on the Marsh
Lotus Thai
Moments Jewelry
Mark Wales FarmsAnd, we often have community fund raiser groups such as the Panthers Girls Hockey, the Fingal United Church, and several others. There is also room for the one or two time vendor who wants to come and try promoting their product at the market. The vendor mix is always a little different, with something for everyone.
With the busiest part of our season under way we have noticed the parking lot shuffle. I have heard several gentle reminders that when parking in the lot, please all park in the same direction and please allow room for your neighbour to manouver in and out. Parking lot painting is on our list of improvements for next season- this is a good sign of the growth of the market!
Remember to sign up for the customer appreciation draw, bring a friend to the market, and enjoy these last few days of August.
See you tomorrow!
Tricia Herbert
Market Manager
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