We are celebrating our colours at the market on Saturday July 3rd by handing out flags and pins. I
hope you are taking in some of the festivities around the county - we are going for a Guinness Record at Port Stanley - the most amount of people wearing red and singing O Canada! on the beach. The time for that is 9pm Thursday evening - just before fireworks. Canfest celebrations are happening all weekend long in Port Stanley. In town, the celebrations are happening at the Doug Tarry Ball Complex this year - 4pm - 11pm (fireworks there at 10pm).
As for the market celebrations, Spicers Bakery is bringing some surprise red & white treats. We will have the flags & pins with various vendors and volunteers to hand out to the first 100 customers. (I'm currently looking for my Canadian Flag tatoos left over from last year). I can think of a hundred reasons why I am thankful to live in Canada and you must know that farmers' markets is in the top ten. My idyllic summer consists of day tripping down the road to a live theatre production and a farmers market or two.......
Josie Allosery's of Josie's Plants is done for another season. DeBackere Farms w
ill be starting in that end booth of the South pavilion but probably not for another two weeks. Last week Stan sold out of Kosic's pesticide free tomatoes, and Ralph sold out of sweet cherries! I saw rasperberries and blueberries at Berry Hill Fruit Farms and it's challenging to walk by Green Leaf Pasteries without trying something new that Kim has baked fresh the night before.
I usually ask someone what they are cooking from the market that da
y - last week the meal was sauteed arugala with fresh basil, tomatoes, and crumbled feta cheese. We have many chefs in our midst! If you are looking for recipes - the display shelf in the back foyer of the building is overflowing with fresh ideas from Foodland Ontario and other associations.

Congratulations again to all the Dad's who picked up a gift certificate from Farmgate Markets for our Father's Day Contest. One of our winners actually wrote about his grandfather: My "Avo" is the best grandfat
her in the world. He's there for me and teaches me new things. He teaches me about sports and history too! Jeff about his Avo Tedd.
And the customer appreciation basket goes to Gary Campbell this week. Gary is a long-time customer of the market and is happy to finally have won the coveted prize! One of these times soon I will get a picture of the lucky winner to display here.
Happy Birthday Canada - remember to take time; give gratitude where gratitude is due; we are VERY blessed!
See you at the market.
Tricia Herbert
Market Manager
St. Thomas Horton Farmers' Market
2 Manitoba Street, St. Thomas