We have five remaining market days! REALLY? Only five Saturdays left in the 2010 market season.
Thank you to everyone who is a part of this amazing process. There are so many 'behind-the-scenes' folks, the vendors, the customers, and those who don't say a thing but support in so many other ways. We have been building on the foundation that has been laid by many past supporters over many years - I would love to know what the original founders/organizers think now - my how times have
changed and yet some things are very much the same.
We are putting the details together for our year end celebration - Harvest Fest. I will have a sign-up sheet starting this Saturday at the market for pre-ticket orders. We are organizing the event very similar to last season - we will be using the market vendors product and will have a sampling of wine and cider to toast the evening. November 6th is the date - 6:00 to 9:30pm. Mark it on your calendars. The night is a true celebration as everyone gets to mingle and chat.
With the winding down of the season and the early crop we had this year, a few more of our vendors are finished selling for this season. Mark Wales Farms and Ralph Troupe Farms are finished. Kim McCarvell of Green Leaf Gourmet will be back this Saturday and she will be taking Christmas baking orders. Gredig's Orchards will have some baked apple treats along with their apples and cider, and the Senior's Centre pies will be back for this weekend. On Thanksgiving weekend (Oct 9th) the St. Joe's Hawks Go Blue Go Bald fundraiser will take place at the market! The boys from the team are raising funds for the Make A Wish Foundation - they are dyeing their hair blue to raise funds and shaving it all off at the market at 9am Oct 9th. They will be in the North Pavilion seating area.
We will also have all our IPM vendors back including Nature's Perfect Mushrooms, Grammie's Creations, and Succulent Wonders. Farmgate Markets will be there making bre
akfast sandwiches for sure; but likely very little else this weekend as they are in "Moving Mode". Visit them at their new location at 19 Elgin Street, just behind the TD Bank on Talbot Street.
Time to start thinking about your Halloween costumes for October 30th at the market! For many people, Halloween is their favourite time of the year. I still smile when I think about some of the creative costumes of last year.
Look forward to seeing you at the market!
Tricia Herbert
Market Manager