It was a chilly day at the market last weekend. A few people mentioned that it was almost as cold as our first market day - well, maybe not that cold. Brisk, fresh, invigorating for sure. It has been a welcome break to the heavy heat of the summer. And it looks like more of the same for this weekend. This is the short time of the season where the temperature is just right inside the building!
A few vendors are away this weekend including Green Leaf Pastries, The Mixing Bowl, Troupe Farms (peaches) and the Mennonite Martin Family produce. And a few ve
ndors returning this weekend such as Gail McNaughton with her new IPM 2010 postcards, En Fleur Lavender In Bloom, and Janis & Mark Harris with flowers.

smaller version of the farmers' market will be happening everyday at the International Plowing Match happening September 21-25th on Highway #3 just before the St. Thomas Airport. What a site to behold as the mini-city begins to take form. What this means for you is you can access a farmers' market for 5 days, 8:30am to 5pm. It also means that some of our vendors will be working like crazy to cover both that event and our regular market day on September 25th. A few vendors will only be at the plowing match that weekend but we will still have a full house. Farmgate Markets will be away that weekend also for a very exciting new venture they have taken on - they are moving their business location to a much bigger space! Congratulations to Sandy and Ray and the whole Farmgate team as they move shop that weekend and open for business in their new location (Elgin Street behind the TD Canada Trust on Talbot) on October 4th.

The other exciting thing happening at the market occurs on September 18th. The library is helping comemorate the historical events in St. Thomas being the 125th anniversary of Jumbo the elephant's death. They will have a collection of books and historical information regarding Jumbo and there will be special treats that day to sample (more details to follow). There will also be a video display and art work on display. We are looking for donations of the extra large pickle jars if anyone has any they would like to contribute. They can be dropped off in my office at the market (I know you would think I don't have an office as I am never in there - I do stop in there occasionally :-)
I saw lots of folks back at the market this weekend - everyone's back from holidays, settling into Autumn's rhythm. You may not see Amber deJong from Frisa Farms (egg vendor) back to the market yet - she gave birth to a bouncing baby girl. But then you never know, the market babies seem to love it there too! (sorry, I tried to add more pictures but the service is not letting me right now - more photos next week)
A big thank you to all that responded to last week's newsletter - there were plenty of good suggestions and positive comments about the market. Like one of my favourite sayings: It's all good.
Pull out the socks and sweaters and see you bright and early at the market!
Tricia Herbert
Market Manager
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