This is the time of year to savour. The weather, your time with family, and those autumn soups made with fresh veggies from the market. I love this season and it always seems to go faster than the other 3 - already, October is upon us. This leaves just 5 Market days remaining. Five more Horton breakfast sandwichs, 5 more opportunities to shop direct from the farmers, 5 more Saturdays to savour.
With October comes Thanksgiving weekend. Oegemas Turkey Shoppe will be at t
he market that weekend and will have fresh turkeys - please check with Annie to place your order ahead of time to avoid disappointment. They will only have a limited number of whole turkeys available at the market and of course, plenty available at their home shop in Talbotville.

What's your favourite part of the market? Something to think about as I will be collecting this ty
pe of data in the off-season to help us sustain the growth and viability of the market. The process will be easy and pain-free! You can send me an email or chat with me at the market. The official stats will be collected via survey. There is a large majority of you who are silent type - this will be an opportunity to share your thoughts.
Then there is those whom I have heard so much positive feedback from and I am very grateful for that. The information is shared with everyone who is involved in making the market possible. That list is long and includes the Board of Management, City Council, the vendors, community fans who promote the market just because they love it, and you the customer.
We will have one new vendor at the market this weekend - Mother Natures Kitchen will be bringing handmade granola to be eaten alone or in a variety of other meals. An
d as a side note, there are a few vendors who had originally planned to be finished by now but have enjoyed and benefited from the market so much that they are staying until the end of the season (Oct 31).
A few more vendors are winding down for the season including Mark Wales Produce and DeBackere Farms and a few vendors will be at the market perhaps once more like Susi Q jewelery (this weekend) and the St. Thomas Public Library (next weekend).
And we have music planned for this weekend. Centre Piece Marketing presents Jim Macdonald. A performer at heart; his passion for music and his obsession to entertain have been a driving force behind his dynamic songwriting and live performances. His diverse musical influences provide a backbone to his creativity that captures the listener with intimate and powerful images that are straight from the heart. His strong descriptive lyrics carry with them the integrity of universal experiences and emotions, woven together with a blend of metaphor and realism. Now at the of 31, Jim and wife Sandy are the very proud parents of 3 sons Jonas, Remy and Jude. His children offer new inspiration for his creativity, and desire to pursue his dream. Jim is currently promoting his new CD produced by Don Kerr in Toronto released last year. The original music of Jim MacDonald is a fresh and poignant sound that is paying its dues and will always leave the listener wanting more.
Invite friends and family to meet you at the market, plan to stay awhile and listen to the music, enjoy your breakfast and finish your shopping.
See you at the market!
Tricia Herbert
Market Manager
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