It would seem I just started this blog, figured out how to get it from my computer to yours (with some expertise help from NH), laughed more than once about a comment that w
as made about a market experience, and now, here we are. The last market day of this season, this Saturday, October 31st. (picture to the right is the first day -May 9, 2009)
Many of our vendors operate year-round from their own business locations. Visit the Jaydancin booth inside the building to pick up your free handmade soap - at the market this Saturday only. As a Thank You gift you the customers. You can visit Jaydancin Body & Soul at their year round location on Main Street in S
parta. Gredigs Orchards will have baked goods made from the team at Arthur Voaden culinary class - they have some apples and cider available at their farm location on Ron McNeil Line close to hwy 74. Oegema's operates the Turkey Shoppe at their farm on hwy #4 Talbotville. Farmgate Markets operates a year-round shop at 310 Wellington St - you can also pick up tickets for the Harvest Fest at Farmgates if you miss getting them at the market this weekend. (and there are many more I have mentioned throughout the season)
So much gratitude to all our vendors - this was an AMAZING season and you all deserve a big Thank You! It has been rewarding to watch and be a part of the growth, friendships, and community bonding that has cycled out from the market.
Your chance to socialize and chat with the vendors and other market goers is fast arriving. Harvest Fest Family Open House is Saturday, November 7th 6pm-9:30pm at the market building. Appetizers are prepared by local chef Kim Saunders of The Windjam
mer Inn of Port Stanley. Coffee, Hot Apple Cider, and wine samples from Quai du Vin are also on the venue. I am looking forward to the photo slide show that charts the memories of the last 6 months - you may see a few pics of yourself in there! We have a table set up this Saturday to sell tickets for Harvest Fest. This will be your last chance to purchase tickets at the market. Why not make it an evening out for you and a group of friends. The kids will enjoy the activities table and everyone, including the vendors, gets a chance to mingle.

And here I linger, a little hesitant to sign off for the night. This is not good bye, but rather see you soon. (or hearing from me again soon). I will send out one more update about Harvest Fest and I will keep in touch over the winter. Maybe a few ways we can help maintain and sustain our local economy.... maybe exciting news about what we're planning for the 2010 Market Season.
See you at the Market!
Tricia Herbert
Market Manager
The Horton Market 2009 was a great venue for McSmiths
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to 2010