Two more Saturdays to go and I have little left to ponder about. We do have the municipal electio
n coming up on October 25th - I wonder who will form the next board of management for the market. I wonder why folks even bother to say anymore that they don't get involved in politics. If you are living, breathing, participating in any daily activity such as eating, driving, or working, you are involved in politics. It's just that some people like it more than others and are more vocal about their likes. Please take the time to have your say even if it is to just mark a few X's on a piece of paper - it all counts.

In the movie Food Inc one of the marketing tags at the end stated: "You vote every time you eat." Make your votes count. Are you voting for local economy or something processed a
nd mass produced? Do your food dollars contribute to sustainable agricultural practices? Do any of your local politicians understand the depth and magnitude of these questions and how they relate to a food charter for our region? Ask them. You may be surprised by their answers.
You'll get a chance this Saturday as some of the candidates have rented spots at the market - it is a good place to have that conversation and ask those burning questions. You will also still be able to buy your meat, turkey, pizzas, coffee, Christmas decorations, Barb's Brickle, baked goods, preserves, knitted winter wares, and of course, the last of the fall produce. AND if you haven't yet purchased your Harvest Fest Tickets - we will have a boot
h set up beside the coffee vendor. Tickets are $15 for adults; $10 for children (6-16yrs). That event takes place November 6th at the market from 6-9:30pm.
This year we have a newly established 'Friends of the Market' account that operates separate from the city budget for the market. The account is monitored by the board of management and is designed to help promote the market and market related activities. Anyone can donate to this account including vendors, community fund raisers, etc. The funds are carried forward from season to season and are not applied to the city operating budget of the market. If you would like more information about how to donate to this account, please talk to me or email me direct. Any proceeds that we gain from the Harvest Fest ticket sales (after all expenses are paid) will be deposited to this account.
Lastly for this post, the winner of the customer appreciation draw is Gord Plank. Congratulations - in my mind, you are all winners by shopping at the market - the draw is a bonus!
See you at the market.
Tricia Herbert
Market Manager
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