I picked this title for this week's post because you will see the same title in our community paper: The Super Shopper. We have started a 'Faces at Horton Market' advertisement there where you might recognize a few of our vendors. I am drawn again and again to t
he theme of community and how the market is a perfect venue for participating and solidifying our community. No matter the weather, what is 'in-season', or what you already bought for groceries this week, you can connect at the market.

As we head into mid-July, our produce vendors are increasing. This week, expect to see a few more new vendors including DeBackere Farms, John Martin Produce, and the ladies from Fingal United Church selling fresh-baked pies! Inside, be sure to stop by the Fresh Fest booth to pick up your ticke
ts for this 'Local Taste Experience' happening on Thursday August 20th @ the CASO station. You will also get an opportunity to meet some of the artists featured in Relish Elgin's 'Arts in Elgin Special Edition' launch. This weekend is guaranteed to have something for everyone.

Last week the public library came to the market with books for all ages and a summer reading program for children called Agent 009. The library will be at the market the first Saturday of every month for the remainder of the market season. You can sign up for a card and check your books out on the spot - even read a page or two at one of our cafes.
And the Horton Breakfast Sandwich combo is amazing! Last week, Sandy from Fa
rmgate added a sausage option - this week they are sweetening the deal with CHEESE! With a portion of the proceeds going directly back to the market, everyone benefits, twice over. If you sampled the chocolate covered strawberries last week, they were conceived from the funds from the breakfast sandwich - how cool is that? (and we purchased the berries from Berry Hill Fruit Farms-me and Dick Saarloos from Berry Hill to the right here - so you see the layers of community we touch?)
The customer appreciation draw is always a highlight of my Saturday at the market. I love giving gifts and it is always rewarding to see the happy winner truly amazed at the bounty of what the vendors contribute to this prize every week. Be sure to sign up - find the green & white Foodland Ontario balloons. I like to move this around so that everyone gets an opportunity to meet the vendors close by - we do tend to be creatures of habit and might miss a few things.
So, back to the community theme. Be sure to say 'Hi' to one new vendor this week at the market, even if you don't purchase from them. Every one appreciates the warmth and camaraderie (which, according to Webster is defined as 'a spirit of friendly good-fellowship').
I look forward to seeing you at the Market!
Tricia Herbert
Market Manager
P.S. - look for an editorial by yours truly in the Super Shopper. I ponder a bit more about community, food, and connectedness.
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